Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Well folks, I've been sick... and not your average kind of cold either, the flu got me this time. I haven't had the flu for over a year!

So anyways, my schedule is becoming a bit more even these days (even if I think I said that last time) but my jet setting weekends have come to a (temporary!) end, and although every week these days seem to be packed full, and my weekends are gone in a blink of an eye, I cannot neglect my blog any more!! (I'm even getting my Mum worried!! Sorry Mum!!!)

So, all will be coming thick and fast soon! (and with my new piece of artwork too!)

Also, I had to share the above ecard (from someecards.com) from my very good, and very funny, friend Kara! Oh you know me toooo well dahling!!! ;)

1 comment:

Clever Elsie said...

Yes, dear, I'm glad you recovered so speedily from the flu! I'm sure your lungs viewed those carcinogens as a nice break after all that phlegm! ;P